Mica Cardozo
First Selectman

Mica Cardozo is the Democratic candidate for Woodbridge First Selectman. In addition to having served two terms as Deputy First Selectman, he brings to his candidacy 15 years of volunteer service to the Town on boards and commissions, including the Economic Development, Police, Fire, Agriculture, and Recreation Commissions. Mostly importantly, Mica is committed to initiating the action and change necessary to move Woodbridge forward.
In addition to Mica’s volunteer leadership positions in Woodbridge, he built a career as a business development and sales executive at AT&T. As he rose through the ranks of the corporate world, Mica was recognized as a seasoned leader with a keen ability to motivate personnel and deliver results. He was especially known for his strong problem-solving skills and his ability to plan, execute, and oversee projects. These are the skills that are critically important for our Town leader. When combined with Mica’s Town experience and deep understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing our community, he is uniquely qualified for the role of First Selectman of Woodbridge.
Now that Mica has retired from the corporate world, he is eager to apply his Town and business experience for the benefit of Woodbridge residents. Mica understands that the position of First Selectman is different from the other positions he has held and offers a greater opportunity to set agendas that enhance the vitality and wellbeing of our community. He has said with respect to the Country Club property and other town initiatives, that he is open to all options - but inaction is not an option. And he means it!
Mica’s plans to take action on the country club property and to control our increasing mill rate are grounded in his knowledge of how the Town works and in his experience as a leader who brings people of disparate interests together to advance goals for their common good. He anticipates in particular forging alliances among residents that will help to deliver a viable long-term plan for the country club, stay attentive to the needs of our retired and older residents, and ensure appropriate funding for the needs of our outstanding schools.
The sixth of nine children born to parents who emigrated from Cape Verde, Mica grew up in Bridgeport, Connecticut. The warmth and spirit of his household is evident in his demeanor, his embracing and kind nature, and his emphasis on cooperative problem solving. For those who have had the good fortune to meet his siblings, these family traits are striking. Mica is highly principled and firmly believes in what is fair and good.
Mica and his wife Pat moved to Woodbridge almost 30 years ago for the same reasons so many other families choose to live here: the excellent schools, our natural beauty, and the warm, small-town feel. Mica values Woodbridge as a place where people know their neighbors, local shop and restaurant owners, community leaders, and more.
Mica and Pat raised two daughters – Rachel and Micaela - who thrived at Beecher Road Elementary School, Amity Middle School, and Amity High School. They remain grateful to the fine teachers and administrators and to the Town residents who have generously supported first rate education over the years. Mica has volunteered for many years as a youth sports coach, has been and remains active in many civic organizations, and is an avid UCONN and professional sports fan.
Throughout this past summer and fall, Mica has been going door-to-door meeting residents and listening closely to their ideas and concerns. He agrees wholeheartedly with the view of so many that planning for Woodbridge’s future requires looking at our community holistically—that our schools, businesses, open spaces, and quality of life are all interconnected. He understands that our town departments, boards and commissions must interact and operate in a cooperative environment, and he has the disposition, experience and knowledge to make that happen.
Mica Cardozo will bring the considerable skills he has garnered through his family life, his professional experience, and his knowledge of our Town’s government to benefit us all.