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From Our Readers
A town-based Health & Wellness Fitness Center is a valuable asset to our community. It provides a facility to focus on both the personal and physical development of community residents. The joy of working out and meeting with fellow town residents brings family and friends together.
As a resident of Woodbridge for 22 years, and as a retired teacher who worked at Beecher Road School for 16 years, I wish I could say that I was surprised to read in “A ‘Missed Opportunity’” that elected members of a Woodbridge town board, in this case the Woodbridge Board of Education, are opposed
On May 2, voters in Woodbridge will be able to vote on the Amity Budget. Historically, referenda measures do not have a very high voter turnout. However, our students, teachers, and administrators rely on our participation to ensure they have what they need. I urge everyone to vote in favor
I am writing in response to the backlash the town of Woodbridge has received for not accepting two students into the Open Choice Program due to New Haven’s failure to remit proper payment. I am particularly concerned with the accusations the town is trying to segregate as well as the allegation
Each year the Woodbridge Board of Education (WBOE) votes on whether to accept new students into the Open Choice program. As you may be aware from recent media reports, a majority of the WBOE voted at our regular January 17 meeting to not accept new students from New Haven into our school community
A significant number of Jews in Israel and in the Diaspora, are quite unhappy about Israel’s newly elected government. Some rabbis have chosen, as a result, to change the wording of the traditional “Prayer for the State of Israel.” One rabbi, whose words, I’ve abridged below, explained it as
I have been a lifelong Democrat, but find myself agreeing with many of the points in Chuck Pyne’s “Other Side of the Aisle” column regarding the town’s priorities. In the February 10th issue, I read how we have hired consultants to improve the business district in order to grow the grand list.
I recently heard an opinion suggesting that it is merely “an outspoken minority” which still seeks to protect the former Country Club of Woodbridge property from development. That assessment is far from the truth. What the speaker overlooked is the largely silent majority of residents who have com
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