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Amity High School Junior Presents at a Global Meeting in Munich, Germany

August 30, 2024
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Adrrian Koola presenting a scientific poster at a conference.
Adrian Koola by his poster

The International AIDS Society annual conference this year took place in Munich, Germany from July 20th to 26th. The conference dovetails science, policy, and advocacy under one roof. This year, the meeting attracted 11,000 participants from 163 countries. There were 2,200 posters presented during the conference both live and electronically.

Outside the conference venue

Adrian Koola, a junior at Amity High School, travelled to Munich to present his scientific poster. Adrian is part of the Science Research Program at Amity High School, a program that identifies highly motivated students interested in research and gives them a platform to develop a scientific mind and opportunity to work with mentors across various fields. At 16 years of age, Adrian was the youngest poster presenter at the conference.

Adrian worked with Dr. Ramadhani from the Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland, on a systematic review and meta-analysis to explore HIV retesting and incidence during pregnancy and the postpartum period among women in sub-Saharan Africa.

Curious attendees asking questions

More information about the conference: IAS Conference 2024

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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