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Beth El – Keser Israel Events for March 2025

March 6, 2025
Time to read:
Two people are posing together. One is in a Crayola crayon box costume with a yellow hat featuring a smiley face. The other person is holding a phone.
BEKI Purim photo

Purim Festivities March 13 & 14 

BEKI will offer Megillah readings at three times this Purim. Adults as well as children are encouraged to come in costume. Check for information, including details about the Purim Seudah breakfast. 

Costume Shabbat March 15

BEKI’s Purim celebration continues through Saturday, March 15, which is Shushan Purim. Adults and children are encouraged to come to Shabbat services in costume. 

Children’s Purim Carnival

BEKI’s Purim Carnival will be Sunday, March 16. Check for details.

More Children’s Events

Children's Havura, K-2 Kehila, and Junior Congregation, all led by parent or grandparent volunteers, meet each Saturday. For more information about Saturday programs or BEKI’s religious school, named BINA, consult Education Director Annie Norman-Schiff at

Study with the Rabbi

Rabbi Eric Woodward leads a discussion of the weekly Torah portion on Thursday mornings. Talmud class meets Sundays March 2, 9, 23 and other select Sundays. Other upcoming classes include “Making Sense of Jewish Prayer” on March 5. Consult for details.

Questions on Passover Dietary Rules?

Rabbi Woodward will speak about Hilchot Pesach, the Laws of Pesach, on Saturday afternoon, March 29.

What Do We Pray For?

Learning with Rabbi Carl Astor resumes on Wednesday, March 19 at 7:30 pm. This is not a class, but rather an open forum to learn together and share ideas. This month’s conversation will focus on these questions: What it is that we pray for during our worship service (or any time)? Are there things that are appropriate to ask for or inappropriate? Are they in any way related to the words of the prayers? And what is it that we expect/hope will be the results of these prayers? To request the Zoom link, consult

Judy Sirota Rosenthal Calligraphic Works

Hamden artist Judy Sirota Rosenthal will exhibit at BEKI from March 24 through June, with a show entitled “Art as Prayer, Prayer as Art.” She has sought insight through Jewish teachings, including the Kabbalah, as well as from other world cultures. Her artwork reflects her spirituality as a healer. She will discuss her work during an Artist’s Talk on Saturday, April 5. Sabbath rules will be observed. To arrange a time to view the exhibition, or to reserve a seat at her talk, consult

Daily Services

BEKI has morning and evening services in-person every Sunday through Friday. Details at

<span class="fineprint">BEKI is located at 85 Harrison Street (corner of Whalley Avenue - Route 63 - in Westville)</span>

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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