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Elm City Winds: Free Concert Showcases Women Composers

August 26, 2024
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Five musicians holding wind instruments on stage.

Elm City Winds, a woodwind quintet that performs both classical and popular music, will return to Congregation Beth El – Keser Israel for an indoor concert on Sunday, August 25.  Jennifer Silva, flute; Caesar Storlazzi, oboe; Laura Caruthers, clarinet; Adrienne Gallagher, bassoon; and Emily Fine, French horn, will present pieces by women composers, including introductions to the pieces to provide historical and musical context.  Admission is free.  Donations will be accepted to support the National Women’s Law Center. Details at

<span class="fineprint">BEKI is located at 85 Harrison Street (corner of Whalley Avenue - Route 63 - in Westville)</span>

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