Know your neighbors, know your town, empower the community.

Forward Together

July 4, 2024
Time to read:
A plastic donkey with the flag of the united states of america

Woodbridge will experience a major transition at the end of this year.  First Selectman Beth Heller, who has led our community with a steady hand for six years, will step down and pass the proverbial baton to a successor.  Beth’s accomplishments are many—from guiding our community’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic to securing $6M in grant funding to enable our Town to address long-needed infrastructure improvements, from creating the 2030 Committee to explore Grand List potential and the future vibrancy of the Business District, to establishing a first-ever Town committee focused on celebrating our community’s growing diversity.  It is a legacy to be proud of and one that will benefit us all for years to come.

Who will step up to take on this critical leadership role?  I am extremely pleased to share that Mica Cardozo, a Woodbridge resident for close to 30 years and an active member of our community, has announced his intention to seek the office of First Selectman.  He begins this journey with the resounding support of the Woodbridge Democratic Town Committee (WDTC).

Mica knows our community well and our community knows Mica through his active participation in Town activities and Town service.  During Beth’s first two terms, Mica served as her Deputy First Selectman.  He has served on or worked with the Woodbridge Agriculture, Economic Development, Fire, Government Access Television, and Recreation Commissions, as well as the BOS Ordinance Committee.  Mica currently serves on the Woodbridge Police Commission.  Mica’s two daughters went through the Beecher and Amity school systems.

In all these roles, Mica has embodied a spirit of collaborative leadership that will ensure that our community continues to grow and thrive for years to come.  Promoting good communication, engaging all voices, and exploring and implementing new and refreshed ideas will all be hallmarks of Mica’s service as First Selectman.  His approach will ensure that our community moves Forward Together.

Congratulations, Amity Graduates!  The Woodbridge Democratic Town Committee congratulates and commends the Amity Regional High School Class of 2023!  Many choose Woodbridge as home because of the outstanding educational opportunities the Town offers our children.  Those of you graduating have experienced the benefits of our community’s overwhelming support for our educational system:  Beecher Road School and Amity Middle and Senior High Schools.

Register to Vote:  Our Municipal Election is November 7thAnd here is an important reminder to all Woodbridge residents.  If you have not done so, please register to vote.  It’s a simple process of tremendous significance.  Voting is the bedrock of our democracy.

For many of our graduates, November 2023will be your first time at the polls.  November 2023 is a first for Woodbridge, too:  our first municipal election being held in November!  (It used to be in May.)

If you are 18 or older, or if you are 17 and will turn 18 on or before November 7, 2023 you can now register to vote online at  For more information about becoming a registered voter in Woodbridge, and on voting in all our elections, visit

In this column I have introduced you to Mica Cardozo, who the Woodbridge Democrats are supporting to be our next First Selectman.  I hope you will take every opportunity to educate yourself about candidates and issues, for this and all elections ahead.

If you have questions for Mica or for the Woodbridge Democratic Town Committee, please send them to  And to learn more about the WDTC, please visit our website:  We look forward to connecting with you!

<span class="fineprint">This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.</span>

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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