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Garden Club of Woodbridge for November 2023

October 26, 2023
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On September 12 the weather was perfect for the first meeting of the Garden Club of Woodbridge 2023/2024 season.  A member’s lawn, leading to spectacular rolling hills, was the meeting location.  Members eager to catch up with each other after the summer hiatus enjoyed delicious tea sandwiches and desserts.  Club president, Cathy Wick, opened the meeting by giving Joanne D’Angelo, an award honoring Joanne as a Connecticut Life Member of the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut.  Joanne was chosen for this award for her distinctive leadership, accomplishments, and exemplary service.  She is only the second person in the club’s 90-year history to serve two full terms as president.  The afternoon culminated in a tour of Maria Kayne’s extensive, award-winning dahlia garden.  Dahlias of all shapes, colors and beauty were on display.  Containers of Maria’s multicolored flowers graced the tables at the meeting.

On October 3, the garden club hosted the Garden Club of Orange.  Guest speaker, Tovah Martin, presented “Terrariums and You.”  She explained that a terrarium is created in a glass container with a glass lid.  Saran Wrap can be used in place of a glass cover.  Terrariums are self-watering, increasing the humidity in the container.  Small plants are ideal to use, and orchids thrive in this environment.  Terrariums need water every 10 days to two weeks, but if the inside of the container has condensation, water should not be added.  After the presentation, Tovah created a terrarium by adding 3/8” pebbles to her glass container, and mixed horticulture charcoal with the pebbles.  Next came organic soil and miniature plants.  She emphasized that plants must be firmly put into the soil by pushing the soil down to eliminate air pockets.  A raffle took place for the terrarium.

The Garden Club of Woodbridge is open to all.  If you want more information, or want to know about meetings, please contact Mary Jane,

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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