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New Documentary by Award-Winning Filmmaker Examines Rise in Assaults on Judeo-Christian Values

May 4, 2023
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The Connecticut premiere of award-winning Gloria Z. Greenfield’s latest documentary, “Civilization in the Danger Zone,” will be held on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at the Woodbridge Library.  Victor Davis Hanson, Ruth Wisse, Larry Arnn, Heather Mac Donald, Rich Lowry, Christopher Rufo, Carol Swain, Eric Cohen, and Kenneth Marcus are among the 23 renown scholars and culture critics in the film.

The 65-minute documentary exposes the divisive political and cultural agendas and how they subvert Western values and liberties like family, faith, and national pride and identity.  The documentary offers insights into how to reverse the tide of our civilization decline.

The event will begin at 6:15pm.  Following the screening of the film, the filmmaker will be present for Q&A with the audience.  The Woodbridge Library is located at 10 Newton Road.  Admission is free, but your RSVP is required via email:

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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