Over 65 Cars Compete as Troop 60431 Kicks Off Trefoil Turbo Derby Tradition

On Sunday, January 19th, Girl Scout Troop 60431, a 3rd grade brownie troop from Beecher Road School, hosted the inaugural Trefoil Turbo Derby, a Pinewood Derby-inspired event that was open to Girl Scouts and members of the broader community. Participants included siblings, Boy Scouts, and local families, making it a fun and inclusive event for everyone involved.

The derby was a showcase of creativity and effort, as participants raced their hand-crafted cars in a series of exciting heats. Local businesses generously supported the event, including British Botanicals, Splash Car Wash who also sponsored the pitstop, FCP Euro who sponsored the photo booth, Capasso Landscaping, Crest Automotive, DreamWeavers LLC, The Quail and Ale, Guys Automotive Specialties, and Mike's Auto Towing.

Collaboration was key to the event's success. Cub Scout Pack 902 provided the race track, and Andrew Bertelli, Assistant Cub Master for Pack 7, managed the track and software. John Kirkham, of British Botanicals, prepared the pre-cut cars for participants, ensuring everything ran smoothly.

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