The Woodbridge Center for May 2023

Facebook: Follow us on Facebook (The Woodbridge Center, Woodbridge CT) for current updates, local information, and fun programming photos.
Email blasts: Things change quickly - please make sure you are on our email blast list to receive Woodbridge Center updates. Call The Center at 203-389-3430 to subscribe.
The Woodbridge Center Renovation Update: The Woodbridge Center’s renovation is rapidly progressing forward with a projected ribbon cutting scheduled for mid-June. Stay tuned for more information about this long-awaited return to The Center!
Sponsored Lunch
(for Woodbridge residents 60 years of age or over)
Mother’s Day Drive-thru Luncheon
Thursday, May 11, 12-1 pm – In front of main entrance of The Center
Everyone is welcome to celebrate all mothers at the Mother’s Day Drive-thru Luncheon. Enjoy Quiche Lorraine, fresh fruit, and dessert sponsored by Visiting Angels of Woodbridge and Elim Park. Also enjoy a special treat provided by Hamden Rehabilitation and Health Care Center. No charge. Please RSVP by May 5.

Upcoming Programs
Lunch Bunch to Gabriele’s Ristorante Italiano
Wednesday, May 10
Van leaves The Center at 11:30 am or meet at Gabriele’s at 12 pm
Join in a social outing to lunch at Gabriele’s Ristorante Italiano in Orange. Self-pay for your meal at the restaurant. $3 per person for transportation (or meet at the restaurant). Call The Center to RSVP by May 5.
AARP Smart Driver Class
Wednesday, May 17, 9 am - 1 pm
Library Meeting Room
This course teaches proven driving techniques to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road. In addition, it may provide a multi-year discount on your auto insurance. The fee is $20 for AARP members, $25 for non-members. Please RSVP.
Marbled Mug Craft
Thursday, May 25, 11 am - 12 pm
Library Meeting Room
Learn the art of nail polish crafting to make marbled designs on a mug to bring home. All materials and instructions are provided by Hamden Rehabilitation and Health Care Center. Call The Center to RSVP.
Regular Programs
Not sure if a class is right for you? Try a complimentary class first!
Aerobics Class with Laura Richling
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-11 am
Center Building Gymnasium
Come enjoy a complete cardio and strength training workout to a variety of music. Bring your own 1-or 2- pound hand weights, if you have them, to use during the class. Please pay $3 at the beginning of each class.
Indoor Pickleball
Monday through Friday, 12:30-3:30 pm
Center Building Gymnasium
All levels are welcome. There is an annual fee of $20 for residents, $25 for non-residents. The annual fee includes outdoor play as well. Please make sure your dues are current. Call The Center 203-389-3430 for more information.
Outdoor Pickleball
Every Day
Outdoors on the Town Courts
All levels are welcome. There is an annual fee of $20 for residents, $25 for non-residents. The annual fee includes indoor play as well. Please make sure your dues are current. Call The Center 203-389-3430 for more information.
Wednesdays, 1-4 pm
Library Meeting Room
Seasoned bridge players are welcome to play bridge every Wednesday in the Library Meeting Room. Please call prior to initial play.
Craft Group
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 am - 12 pm
Woodbridge Room of the Library
Bring your current knitting, crocheting, or needlepoint project to work on while having an enjoyable time socializing.
Painting for Pleasure with local artist Carole Abbate
Monday, 10 am - 12 pm
Library Meeting Room
Create your own paintings as Carole helps inspire beginners to intermediates to paint with acrylics or watercolors. Paint the subject of your choice-bring in a note card or photo for inspiration. No experience necessary. Call to sign-up for this 6-week, $36 class. Class will be prorated. Session will end June 12, and resume in September in The Center cafe.
Thursdays, 1:30-4 pm
Center Building, Room 16
Anyone interested in playing pinochle, or learning to play pinochle, is invited to join the pinochle group on Thursdays from 1:30-4 pm in the Center Building, Room 16. Call 203-389-3430 for more information.

Services offered (for Woodbridge residents only):
Tech Tuesday and Thursday
Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:45-4:15 pm
Need help navigating your computer, laptop, tablet, or smart phone? Call to sign-up for a 1:1 session in The Center’s computer lab with patient, knowledgeable, Amity High School student volunteers. No charge.
Computer Lab
Multiple computers and laptops are located in room 11 of the Center Building Human Services corridor, which is open Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, 10 am - 2 pm. Printing is available (first 5 pages free).
Those 60 years of age and older, or who are temporarily or permanently disabled, may call to arrange car or wheelchair accessible van transportation to medical appointments to 17 surrounding towns, local grocery shopping, banking, pharmacy pick-up, and social engagements. This service is provided Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm on a first call, first serve basis. Appointments may be made up to three months in advance. Vehicles are cleaned between each use. Masks are required.
Healthy, well balanced, flash frozen meals for $5.25/meal are available. Order by noon on Monday for delivery to your home during the same week. Choose from a wide variety of options including baked ziti, chicken piccata, flounder Florentine, and turkey pot pie. Meals include a roll, fresh fruit, and dessert. Two meal minimum order with a ten-meal limit. See The Center’s page on the Town website for a complete list of offerings.
Frozen soups are available for $1.50 per 10 oz. container. Varieties include: Italian wedding, beef orzo, minestrone, harvest vegetable, lemon chicken and rice, and many more. Call 203-389-3430 to place your order.
Friendly Visitor Program
Call Judi Young, Human Services Social Worker, at 203-389-3429, to arrange for a friendly visitor.
Medical Loan Closet
Durable medical equipment, including walkers, wheelchairs, knee rollers, shower chairs, and more, is available for lending. Donations of transport chairs are needed. Call for details.
Job Bank
Residents may call Nancy Pfund, Youth Services Director, at 203-389-3429, to hire a student worker. Schedule now for spring clean-up, party assistance, baby-sitting, and more.
More information on available programs and services can be found on The Center’s page of the Town Website. Please go to SchedulesPlus to directly sign-up for most programs. Call 203-389-3430 or email with questions or for more information.
This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.