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Town Hall Hires from Within to Fill Openings

July 4, 2024
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Woodbridge CT town hall

Two town employees left the Town Hall last year, and filling their positions has set off a game of musical chairs.  Pat Swope retired last June from the Finance Department and Assistant Administrative Officer Betsy Yagla moved to another job in August.

To fill Yagla’s position, Budget Analyst Karen Crosby moved from the Finance Office into her own office next to the First Selectman’s office.

Instead, Finance Director Anthony Genovese recruited Gaye Mastrianna from the Beecher district office.  She is now the payroll and benefits administrator.  He also recruited Jim Franco, previously in the Recreation Office, to round out the team in the Finance Office.

“We do a lot of cross training of people,” Genovese said, so people can cover for each other.  Payroll in particular needs to be done every two weeks, no matter who is out or on vacation.”

The Recreation Office is currently covered by John DeMayo.  A permanent candidate has not been named yet.

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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