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Woodbridge Ad-Hoc Sustainability Committee

November 16, 2023
Time to read:

We have been appointed by the Board of Selectmen to bring more GREEN initiatives to the town.  Join us on November 29 in the town hall to find out what’s cooking!  GREEN TIP:  Got leftover pumpkins??  Donate pumpkins to a neighbor raising chickens or find a neighbor on Woodbridge Buy Nothing Facebook page.  Got leftover candy??  Donate them to Beecher Road School or the local dentists who ship the candy to overseas military.  If you’re feeling ambitious, freeze them to use in holiday cooking.  Done with your costumes?  Bring them to Beecher Road School to be donated to the Green Team.  They collect costumes year-round and resell them for $5 each to raise money for green efforts around the school.

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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