Woodbridge Center Bustles with Spring Activities: Tag Sale, Vaccine Clinic, Earth Day

The Woodbridge Center offers a free membership for everyone 55 years of age and above (unless otherwise noted). Call 203-389-3430 or email kmoriarty@woodbridgect.org to sign up or for more information.
If you are already a member but don’t have your membership card – it’s waiting for you. Stop by and say hi, grab your card and enjoy a free cup of coffee or tea thanks to our coffee sponsors.
NEW ADDITION to the calendar:
Intergenerational Game Day with Beecher Road School Student Council
Wednesday, May 1, 10:30 am – 1 pm
The Center Café
Elementary students from the Beecher Road School Student Council have planned a fun game day for residents and non-residents over the age of 55! Participate with the students in a variety of board games provided by the council, then enjoy free pizza with dessert after – sponsored by The Center. Please call The Center 203-389-3430 to register. You must participate in the games to enjoy the pizza!
Upcoming Programs
In-person Lunch
($5 for Woodbridge residents, $6 for non-residents, unless otherwise noted)
Tuesdays, select Thursdays 12:00 pm
The Center Café
Please RSVP with The Center 203-389-3430 by noon the day before
April lunches will be offered as follows:
- 4/9 Choice of sub: mesquite smoked turkey or tuna salad
- 4/16 Choice of sub: roast beef or chicken salad
- 4/18 Zuppardi’s Pizza and Beer (root) – see details below.
- 4/23 Choice of sub: turkey club or egg salad
- 4/25 Spring Fling Luncheon – see details below
- 4/30 Choice of sub: Virginia baked ham and Swiss cheese or chicken salad

Free - Tech Assistance
Mondays and Wednesdays
Need help navigating your computer, laptop, tablet, or smart phone? Call to sign-up for a 1:1 session in The Center’s computer lab with patient, knowledgeable, local high school student volunteers.
NEW! Bingo!
Every Tuesday, 12:30 pm
The Center Café
$1 fee per 10 game book
Bingo at The Center is sure to be a fun time with our very own Rose as the caller! Cash prizes dependent on number of cards sold. Must be over the age of 60 to participate. Bring your own dabber or purchase one for $2. Please call to register.

Free - Ask the Nurse Program with OVNA
Tuesday, April 9, 11 am – 12 pm
The Center Consultation Office in The Center Café
A registered nurse from Orange Visting Nurse Association (OVNA) will be available during the second Tuesday of each month to monitor your blood pressure, check your weight, and answer questions to help guide your health and wellness. No appointment is necessary.
NEW: T’ai-Chi and Qigong Class
April 15 – June 10
8 weeks, 16 classes
Mondays and Fridays, 10-11 am
$50 session (must pay for full session)
Join local instructor Bill Banick as he guides students through seated and standing Qigong and T’ai Ji Quan movements to build a stronger core and improve balance. All levels are welcome to participate. Please call or stop by to register by April 10.
Zuppardi’s Pizza and Beer (Root) with April Birthday Celebrations
Thursday, April 18, 12-1 pm
The Center Café
Cost: $5 for residents, $6 for non-residents – no takeout
Enjoy two slices of pizzeria style cheese pizza from Zuppardi’s with a side salad, every 3rd Thursday of the month. Diet and regular root beer, coffee and tea included. Then celebrate all April birthdays with cupcakes or cake provided by Hamden Rehabilitation and Health Care Center. Please RSVP by noon the day before.

Free – Spring Decoupage Plaque Craft
Thursday, April 18, 1:00 pm
The Center Café
Use the art of decoupage to make a wooden spring plaque suitable for hanging. All materials and instructions will be provided by Hamden Rehabilitation and Health Care Center. No prior experience is necessary. Please call The Center to register.
Free - Ask a Cardiology PA (Physician’s Assistant) Program with Becket Greten-Harrison
Thursday, April 25, 11 am – 12 pm
The Center Consultation Office in The Center Café
Becket Greten-Harrison, PA and founder of Hearts at Home, will be available the 4th Thursday of each month to help answer questions and concerns about your health, check vital signs including blood pressure, and perform a brief exam upon request. EKG monitoring is also available. Consultations are private, informal, and strictly confidential. No notes or other personal information will be saved. No appointment is necessary.
Spring Fling Luncheon with live musical entertainment!
Thursday, April 25, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
The Center Café
Cost: $6 for residents, $7 for non-residents – no takeout
Enjoy a delicious meal of Chicken Francese, potatoes, and vegetables from Carmines Di Vega while enjoying music provided by CT State Troubadour Pierce Campbell. Dessert will also be provided. Elim Park is sponsoring this event to help defray costs. Please RSVP by April 18. Space is limited.

Free – Smithsonian Cherry Blossom Virtual Tour
Monday, April 29, 1:00 – 2:30 pm
The Center Café
The revered sakura, or cherry blossom, has been celebrated in landscapes, figure paintings, and prints by artists from medieval Japan to Katsushika Hokusai and beyond. Long after the cherry blossoms fall in Washington, DC, you are invited to embrace hanami, the traditional Japanese custom of “flower viewing,” by going cherry blossom viewing in the Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art’s Japanese art collections! Japanese tea and treats will be served. Please RSVP by April 24.
Tag Sale – Rain or shine!
April 27, 10 am – 3 pm
Front lawn, Center Building or Center Building gymnasium if inclement weather
$10 per space (must bring your own table)
Are you tired of the clutter in your home? Are you looking for an opportunity to sell some of your gently used items? Are you thinking about downsizing? The Woodbridge Center has a solution for you!
We’re happy to announce an upcoming tag sale in conjunction with the Woodbridge Earth Day 2024 event. Sign up for an opportunity to connect with your community, declutter, socialize, and earn some extra cash!
Spaces are limited. To reserve your space, contact The Woodbridge Center at 203-389-3430 or by email at kmoriarty@woodbridgect.org. Tag sale participation is $10 (must bring your own table) and may be paid by check to The Town of Woodbridge and dropped off or sent to The Woodbridge Center, 11 Meetinghouse Lane or by credit card through this link: https://square.link/u/baTjfmMQ. See below for information about the Woodbridge Earth Day2024 Event.
Free - Lounge Library
The Center Lounge
Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 4 pm
Be sure to stop by The Center’s Library in the lounge and pick up a book or two for yourself or your grands! The Center’s Library, maintained by the Friends of the Library, has added a grandchildren’s section for clients who have grandchildren/great-grandchildren visiting. You can also grab a coupon for your (great) grandchildren to go shopping for a free book at the Friends’ Bookstore located in the Town Library.
Regular Programs
Aerobics Class with Laura Richling
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-11 am
The Center Café
Fee: $3.00 payable at the start of each class
Come enjoy a complete cardio and strength training workout to music. Bring your own 1- or 2-pound hand weights, if you have them, to use during the class. Not sure if the class is right for you? Try a complimentary class first!
Indoor Pickleball
Monday through Friday, 12:30-3:30 pm
Center Building Gymnasium
Annual fee: $20 for residents, $25 for non-residents
All levels are welcome. The annual fee includes seasonal outdoor play as well. Call for more information.
Outdoor Pickleball
Every Day
Outdoors on the Town Courts
Annual fee: $20 for residents, $25 for non-residents
The annual fee includes indoor play as well. Please make sure your dues are current to obtain the new lock code for the nets and deck boxes. Call for more information.
Wednesdays, 1-4 pm
The Center Café
Seasoned bridge players are welcome to play bridge every Wednesday in The Center Café. No partner required. Please call The Center prior to first attendance.
Mondays, 12:30 – 2:30 pm
The Center Lounge
Experienced mahjong players are invited to participate every Monday in The Center Lounge. Please call The Center prior to first attendance. Stay tuned for casual beginner lessons offered in the near future.
Painting for Pleasure Art Class with local artist Carole Abbate
Mondays, 10 am - 12 pm
The Center Café
Fee: 6-week, $36 class – prorated if applicable
Create paintings of your choice as Carole helps inspire beginners to intermediates to paint with acrylics or watercolors. Bring in a picture or a photo for inspiration. No experience is necessary. Sessions run concurrently - join anytime. Please call to register.
Thursdays, 1:30-4 pm
The Center Lounge
Anyone interested in playing pinochle, or learning to play pinochle, is invited to join the pinochle group on Thursdays from 1:30-4 pm in The Center Lounge. Please call The Center prior to first attendance.
Stitch Craft
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 am - 12 pm
The Center Lounge
Bring your current knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, or other craft project to work on while having an enjoyable time socializing.
Services offered
Computer Lab
Computers and laptops are located in room 11 of the Center Building Human Services corridor, which is open Monday through Friday, 10 am - 2 pm. Printing is available (first 5 pages free).
(Woodbridge residents only)
Those 60 years of age and older, or who are temporarily or permanently disabled, may call to arrange car or wheelchair accessible van transportation to medical appointments to 17 surrounding towns, local grocery shopping, banking, pharmacy pick-up, and social engagements. This service is provided Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm based on availability. Vehicles are cleaned between each use.
Delivered Meals
(Woodbridge residents only)
Healthy, well balanced, flash frozen meals for $8.00/meal effective April 1 (due to a recent lunch vendor price increase) are available for delivery. Order by 4 pm on Monday for delivery to your home during the same week. Choose from a wide variety of options including lasagna, crab stuffed tilapia, and turkey pot pie. Meals include a roll, fresh fruit, and dessert. Two meal minimum order with a ten-meal limit. A wide variety of frozen soups are also available for $2.00 per 10 oz. container. Please call for more information.
Friendly Visitor Program
(Woodbridge residents only)
Call the Human Services Social Worker at 203-389-3429 to arrange for a friendly visitor.
Medical Loan Closet
(Woodbridge residents only)
Durable medical equipment, including walkers, wheelchairs, knee rollers, shower chairs, and more, is available for lending. Donations of transport chairs are needed. Call for details.
Job Bank
(Woodbridge residents only)
Residents may call Nancy Pfund, Youth Services Director, at 203-389-3429, to hire a student worker. Schedule now for spring clean-up, party assistance, baby-sitting, and more.
Thank you to all of our sponsors including
Sponsored Coffee Bar
The Center Café, no charge
Stop by The Center between the hours of 9 am – 4 pm and enjoy a hot cup of coffee or tea at no charge. The month of April is sponsored by Barry and Hyla Vine. Call or stop by The Center to learn how you can be a Coffee Bar Sponsor.
Super Sponsor Wall @ The Center café
Coachman Square at Woodbridge is a "Super Sponsor" for the month of April. “Super Sponsors” provide a monthly contribution to support The Center in exchange for a 24”x36” advertisement display on The Center’s Sponsor Wall. Call The Center to find out how your business can advertise on the Super Sponsor Wall.
Non-Center Programs
Community Game Night
April 10, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
The Center Café
$10 per family
Fun for the whole family! Community Game Night is an all-age event for toddlers, grandparents and everyone in between. Admission includes games, pizza, drinks, and cookies. The event is sponsored by the Woodbridge Rotary Club and hosted by Woodbridge Youth Services. Please RSVP with the number of family members and the ages of the children to Woodbridge Human Services at 203-389-3429 or by email to humanservices@woodbridgect.org.
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
COVID Vaccine Clinic
April 24, beginning at 10 am
Center Building Gymnasium
Woodbridge Human Services, in conjunction with Valley Pharmacy, is offering a COVID vaccine clinic based on the CDC’s recently released new Spring 2024 COVID guidelines which includes a recommendation for those over 65, and those who are immunosuppressed, to receive a COVID booster. Please call Human Services for an appointment at 203-389-3429.
Woodridge Earth Day
Woodridge Earth Day 2024 is coordinated by the Ad Hoc Sustainability Committee and the Woodbridge Town Library. You’ll find The Woodbridge Center’s tag sale on the front lawn of the Center Building from 10 am to 3 pm on Saturday, April 27th.
Earth Day also includes live music, clothing freecycle, textile recycling, Friends of the Library book sale, food trucks, electronic recycling, mattress recycling, compost & rain barrels, paper shredding, a seed exchange, Drug Take Back Day, food trucks, and more. You can read about the event here: https://woodbridgetownlibrary.org/earth-day-2024/
The Woodbridge Center offers a free membership for everyone 55 years of age and above (unless otherwise noted). Call 203-389-3430 or email kmoriarty@woodbridgect.org to sign up or for more information.
If you are already a member but don’t have your membership card – it’s waiting for you. Stop by and say hi, grab your card and enjoy a free cup of coffee or tea thanks to our coffee sponsors.
This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.