Woodbridge Honors Volunteers, Seeks Food Pantry Donations

Living Treasure Event
The Human Services Department will host the 6th annual Living Treasure event on September 25 at 5:30 pm at The Woodbridge Center. The winners represent years of public service within the town. This wonderful community-building event, which honors Woodbridge residents who have generously volunteered their time, also serves as a fundraiser for The Woodbridge Center. Congratulatory ads, business ads, and donations to support the Silent Auction are welcome. The deadline for ad submission is August 23. Stay tuned for the announcement of this year’s winners! Tickets will be on sale from August 1 to September 18. Please visit the website at https://www.woodbridgect.org/DocumentCenter/View/6355/2024-silent-auction-ad-book-contribution-form for an ad form or contact the department at 203-389-3429.
Food Pantry
Residents in need may call for access to non-perishable food each month. If interested in donating, the food pantry needs oils (olive and canola), jams, canned chicken, mayonnaise, oatmeal (old fashioned rolled oats), breakfast cereals, pancake mix and syrup (regular and sugar free), brown rice, quinoa, snacks (cookies, chips, crackers, granola bars, nuts, goldfish, pretzels, fruit bars), coffee (both ground and instant), shelf stable milk, pasta sauce, cleaning products, laundry soap (regular and high efficiency), and personal hygiene products such as deodorant, toothpaste, razors, and shampoo. Donations are welcome during business hours Monday - Friday in the Center Building, room 14 and in the collection box at the library foyer during evening hours and on Saturdays. Please check all items for expiration dates prior to donating.
Fall Vaccine Clinics
The Fall vaccine clinics have been scheduled for September 27, October 7, and October 25. All clinics are in partnership with Valley Pharmacy. These clinics will feature regular and high dose flu vaccines, COVID vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna), RSV vaccines, shingles vaccine, and the pneumovax vaccine. Appointments are required; all insurances are accepted. Contact the Human Services Department at 203-389-3429 for appointments.
For information on upcoming events and news, please follow the Town’s Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/WoodbrigeCT.
Call 203-389-3429 or email humanservices@woodbridgect.org for more information.
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