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Woodbridge Human Services for April 2023

July 4, 2024
Time to read:
A man in a yellow vest standing next to a crane
A condenser for the new HVAC system in The Woodbridge Center is lifted by a crane over the Center Building. The condensers have been placed in proximity to the center in the central courtyard of the building. The Woodbridge Center’s current renovation should be completed in just a few short months. The Center will feature a new reception area, a consultation office, multi-use space for many programming options, and most importantly a modern and healthy ventilation system. Stay tuned for information about its opening.

Tick Control Study:  Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, in conjunction with the Quinnipiack Valley Health District, is seeking residents in Woodbridge for a 5-year Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funded tick management study at no cost to participants.  They will test the effectiveness of an extremely low-dose treated bait for white-tailed deer and white-footed mice in killing ticks feeding on them (a similar strategy to treating your pets for fleas and ticks), and the impact to tick reduction and tick bite exposure on participant’s property. According to the study coordinator, this will not negatively impact pollinators, birds, the environment, pets, or well water.  For more information or to sign up, contact Dr. Scott Williams at (203) 974-8609 or

Masks and COVID Test Kits available:  Contact Woodbridge Human Services if you would like to pick up a few medical or KN95 masks.  COVID home test kits are also available.  Please no walk-ins.

Drug Take Back Day:  Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands or can contaminate water and landfills.  On Saturday, April 22, the Woodbridge Police Department will be participating in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Nationwide Prescription Drug Take Back Day.  Residents are welcome to visit the Woodbridge Police Department to dispose of pharmaceutical controlled substances and other medications to law enforcement for destruction.  The Rx Drop Box is in the lobby of the Police Department and is accessible to residents year-round.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA):  VITA is a free tax preparation service available to low-income individuals, to people who have a disability, and to those who speak limited English.  All in-person appointments have been filled, but we can refer you to other locations or to online tax preparation.

Energy Assistance Program:  Human Services is accepting appointments for residents applying for the 2022-2023 CT Energy Assistance Program administered by TEAM, INC.  Income eligibility requirements must be met.  For information or to schedule an appointment, call Judi Young at 203-389-3429.  Applications will not be accepted after May 1.

Food Pantry:  Residents in need may call for access to non-perishable food each month.  If interested in donating, the food pantry needs regular coffee, canola and olive oil, mayonnaise, jams/jellies, canned chicken, snack foods-crackers, cookies, granola bars, as well as deodorant, soft soap, and laundry soap.

Needed!  Medical Loan Closet:  Transport wheelchairs in good working order are needed for the Medical Loan Closet.  Please contact Human Services to donate.

Donations to earthquake victims in Turkey:  Ilknur and Eser Akdeniz of Woodbridge are from Iskenderun in Hatay Province on the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey.  In February 2023, the city was heavily damaged by earthquakes and subsequent floods and fires.  Ilknur and Eser are collecting medical supplies, blankets, baby clothes, hygiene kits, feminine hygiene products, coats, socks, and thermal clothing.  They will send all supplies directly to their region for distribution.  Donation collection boxes are located inside the front entrance of Town Hall and at the Center Building gym entrance until April 7.  To help, please contact:

April is Alcohol Awareness Month:  According to the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, the goal of Alcohol Awareness month is to increase public awareness and understanding, reduce stigma, and encourage local communities to focus on alcoholism and alcohol-related issues.  Facts about alcohol you may not know:

  1. 75% of esophageal cancers are attributable to chronic excessive alcohol consumption;
  2. Nearly 50% of cancers of the mouth, pharynx, and larynx are associated with heavy drinking;
  3. Chronic alcohol consumption is associated with 10% increase in a woman’s risk of breast cancer;
  4. Heavy chronic drinking contributes to approximately 65% of all cases of pancreatitis;
  5. Among emergency room patients admitted for injuries, 47% tested positive for alcohol and 35% were intoxicated; of those who were intoxicated, 75% showed signs of chronic alcoholism;
  6. As many as 35% of heavy drinkers develop alcoholic hepatitis;
  7. As many as 36% of the cases of primary liver cancer are linked to heavy chronic drinking;
  8. Alcoholics are 10 times more likely to develop carcinoma than the general population;
  9. Accidents related to alcohol use are among the leading causes of death for teens.

Alcohol use may have increased during the pandemic.  To check if you may have a problem visit and answer a few questions about your drinking habits or those of a friend or family member.

According to the CDC, reducing the amount of alcohol you drink can improve your short and long-term health.  Even small changes can make a big difference.

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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