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Woodbridge Youth Services for December 2023 & January 2024

July 4, 2024
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A group of people holding up paintings of pumpkins
Students display their creative works from Youth Services Paint Party

Fall Paint Party

Amity Middle School students enjoyed the Paint Party instructed by Picasso Parties and hosted by Youth Services.  The youth delighted in their masterpieces and had fun relaxing with friends and having delicious snacks.

Toys 4 Kids

Youth Services collected many toys at the Woodbridge Library and in the Center Building for TEAM’s Toys 4 Kids program, which serves local families.  Many thanks to those who donated so generously.

Helping the Homeless

Donations of “We Care” bags from local students and families will be donated to New Reach in New Haven to help homeless individuals and families.  Students earned community service hours for their efforts.  We thank all those who make selfless contributions.

Job Bank Seeks Woodbridge and Bethany Teens Who Want Work

The Job Bank guides teens ages 13-18 as they apply, interview, and earn money doing odd jobs for Woodbridge residents.  Teens are needed, especially for raking and yard work.  Contact the Job Bank to schedule your interview.  Other jobs include snow shoveling, babysitting, housework, animal care, tutoring and tech assistance.

Teens Need Jobs

Woodbridge residents who wish to hire someone for odd jobs like raking, babysitting, yard cleanup, snow shoveling, moving boxes, etc.  Save your energy and keep teens working to gain experience.  Call 203-389-3429 for more information.

Woodbridge Youth Advisory Board

Woodbridge Youth Services seeks Woodbridge parents to join its Advisory Board which meets five times per year (September through May).  Representation from our diverse population is encouraged.  Contact Nancy Pfund at 203-389-3429 for more information.

Call 203-389-3429 or email for information or to sign up for programs.

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