Woodbridge Youth Services News for June 2023
Woodbridge Job Bank Seeks Teens Who Want Work
The Job Bank in Woodbridge offers occasional jobs to teen residents (ages 13 – 18) who would like to work for Woodbridge residents to earn money. Youth Services provides an opportunity to learn about the interview process, safety on the job, and how to negotiate pay. Improve your communication skills and gain experience. Do yard work, babysitting, dog walking, etc. Call for an interview at 203-389-3464 or e-mail npfund@woodbridgect.org.
Job Bank Helps Residents
Woodbridge residents who wish to hire someone for odd jobs like babysitting, yard work, moving boxes, animal care, etc., save your energy and keep teens working to gain experience. Call 203-389-3464 for more information.
Collaborative Efforts at Intergenerational Program
Woodbridge and Orange Youth Services invited some Amity students along with Social Worker Nicole Buxton and School Psychologist to visit the Human Services Department in Woodbridge recently to learn about youth, senior, and social services offered within the BOW tri-town area. They walked through each section of the department, visited the food pantry, and received resource information in a welcome bag.
A brief walk to the Woodbridge Town Library allowed the teens to meet some senior citizens who warmly greeted the students. The group worked together to create a beautiful sticker mosaic depicting Monet’s Bridge. The poster contained over 3,900 colored stickers. Excitement ensued as the creation developed and the surprise masterpiece was completed. A delicious lunch and great comradery were enjoyed by all.
Home Alone Course Completed
Several students enjoyed the recent Home Alone class held for students ages 9 – 12. Woodbridge Youth Services Director Nancy Pfund presented information about safety, house rules, and internet safety. Officer Vincent Lynch and Fire Marshal Joseph Cappucci shared facts about handling emergencies, calling 911, and fire safety. Attendees received information packets to share with their parents.
Woodbridge Youth Services Holds Red Cross Babysitter Training
Instructor Anna Mauhs trained thirteen students in basic babysitting skills recently. Students spent two Saturday mornings in April listening, learning, and practicing new skills like diapering and feeding. Students are well-prepared to watch children and keep them safe while earning their own money.
After-School Guided Study Held at Beecher Road School
A guided study program was held at Beecher Road School for several weeks to aid students in organization and study skills and provide support with homework. The program is funded by a state grant obtained through Woodbridge Youth Services who provided a pizza party for the hard-working students and deserving teachers. Teacher Katie McCollom coordinates the program at Beecher Road School.
Jack Morrison Receives First Selectman’s Youth Award
Woodbridge First Selectman Beth Heller presented Jack Morrison with a town citation and a plaque for his community support at the recent Volunteer Appreciation Celebration held by Human Services. Woodbridge Youth Services Director Nancy Pfund presented the state citation while Beth-Wood Baseball President Dwight Rowland presented Jack with a $200 check from the league.
Call 203-389-3429 or email npfund@woodbridgect.org or youthone@woodbridgect.org for information or to sign up for programs. Like us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/WoodbridgeYouthServices.CT.
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