Woodbridge Youth Services News: Sophie Noujaim Wins First Selectman's Award & More

Sophie Noujaim - Winner of 2024 Woodbridge First Selectman’s Youth Award
The Woodbridge Youth Advisory Board had a difficult decision to make when they reviewed the nominations received for the First Selectman’s Youth Award. Each student had great credentials.
Sophie, an active junior at Amity Regional High School, and the daughter of Chad Noujaim and Nicole Donzello, stands out due to her dedication to community service. She is close to completing 100 hours of service, the recommended amount at the High School. This volunteer work extends to Our Lady of the Assumption Church, the Jewish Community Center of Greater New Haven, Amity Pop Warner, and the Friends of the Library. In addition, Sophie has been working with the Nicole Donzello Foundation which is named for her mother who has had to fight leukemia over some time. The foundation provides need-based grants for leukemia patients treated at Smilow Cancer Hospital.
Jill D’Amico, who wrote the nomination, was impressed that Sophie is now working with a Hematology Oncologist through a science experiment at school to determine whether there is a correlation between the rise in leukemia and the use of oral contraceptives in women. As a young woman whose family has experienced pain and hope, Sophie has a desire to be sure the cure to cancer is found.
Ms. Noujaim plays field hockey and golf, and enjoys skiing, all for her school. She has a love for cheerleading which she experienced through the local Pop Warner group.
Sophie holds high standards for herself academically with Advanced Placement/Honors courses. Overall, her energy and persistence is to be admired.
Woodbridge First Selectman Mica Cardozo will present this promising young woman with her award at the Human Services Celebration of Volunteers on May 15th. She will also receive a financial gift sponsored by the Beth-wood Baseball League. Our town is proud to have such extraordinary young people in our presence. We congratulate Sophie and all of the nominees, and we thank those who wrote such inspiring nominations.

Red Cross Babysitter Training during Spring Recess
Several teens learned the basics of babysitting and first aid in a Babysitter Training class held Tuesday 4/16/24 & Thursday, 4/18/24. Red Cross instructor AnnaMaria Mauhs taught childcare basics while students practiced with hands-on activities like diapering and feeding. Emergency care including choking response was also discussed.
Job Bank Seeks Woodbridge and Bethany Teens Who Want Work
The Job Bank guides teens ages 13-18 as they apply, interview, and earn money doing odd jobs for Woodbridge residents. Teens are needed. Jobs may include yard work and spring cleanup, moving boxes, babysitting, snow shoveling, animal care, tech help, and tutoring . Contact the Job Bank to schedule your interview.
Teens Need Jobs
Woodbridge residents who wish to hire someone for odd jobs like raking, babysitting, yard cleanup, snow shoveling, moving boxes, etc. Save your energy and keep teens working to gain experience. Call 203-389-3429 for more information.
Parent Trainings by South Central Child Advocacy Center
Internet Safety and Internet Risks class is available for parents to become better informed of the dangers of social media. See website to register: https://southcentralcacct.org/.
Suicide Prevention Virtual Trainings- QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)
The Alliance for Prevention and Wellness will sponsor training May 8, 2024 from 11 am to 12:30 pm. Learn to detect warning signs and offer hope to help save a life. Registration link: Meeting Registration - Zoom
Call 203-389-3429 or email youthone@woodbridgect.org or npfund@woodbridgect.org for information or to sign up for programs.
Sign up for Youth Services Notifications: https://www.woodbridgect.org/list.aspx;
See Youth Services’ Website: https://www.woodbridgect.org/160/Youth-Services;
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WoodbridgeYouthServices.CT.
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