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Beth El – Keser Israel Events for April 2025

March 24, 2025
Time to read:
Rabbi Eric Woodward in a suit and tie stands outdoors in front of vibrant autumn foliage.
Rabbi Eric Woodward

Passover Services

For the schedule of Passover services, including Yizkor prayers on April 20, consult 

For Stressful Times

A new class, “Ethics and Spirituality for Stressful Times,” will be offered on Saturdays between Passover and Shavuot. Rabbi Eric Woodward will focus on what Jewish sages advised in Pirke Avot about navigating stressful and confusing times. The class will meet on April 19, May 3, May 10, May 17, May 24, and May 31, with no obligation to attend all of them. Consult for details.

Talmud Study

Rabbi Woodward leads a Talmud class on select Sundays, including April 6 and 27. Consult for details.

Children’s Programs

“Journey Through the Ten Plagues: A Passover Sensory Experience,” an event geared for children ages 7 and under, will be held at BEKI on Wednesday, April 9. Visit stations with special crafts and sensory activities for each of the ten plagues: bounce a toy frog or give your stuffed animal "boils" with red stickers. This program, which will also offer snacks and Passover story time, is in collaboration with PJ Library and the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven. Details at

Children's Havura, K-2 Kehila, and Junior Congregation, all led by parent or grandparent volunteers, meet at BEKI each Saturday. For more information about Saturday programs or BINA, which is BEKI’s religious school, consult Education Director Annie Norman-Schiff at

Judy Sirota Rosenthal 

Hamden artist Judy Sirota Rosenthal will discuss her calligraphic work during an Artist’s Talk on Saturday, April 5. Sabbath rules will be observed. To arrange a time to view the exhibition, or to register for her talk, consult Her exhibition, “Art as Prayer, Prayer as Art,” will run through June. 

Guest Speaker April 26

Emily Levy-Shochat will speak on the topic “Make Your Voice Heard” on Saturday, April 26. A committed activist, she will speak about how American Jews can help protect Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state—while also strengthening the Jewish people and pluralism worldwide. Levy-Shochat was the Chairperson of Masorti Israel for 5 years, leading successful efforts to develop and grow Conservative Judaism in Israel. Representing the Masorti community, she has served on the Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael (JNF) Board for six years, during which time she was Chairwoman of its Environment and Science Committee. Details at

Daily Services

BEKI has morning and evening services in-person every Sunday through Friday. Details at

<span class="fineprint">BEKI is located at 85 Harrison Street (corner of Whalley Avenue - Route 63 - in Westville)</span>

This is an opinion not necessarily endorsed by the Woodbridge Town News.

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