Free, Safe, Family-Friendly Halloween: Trunk-or-Treat at Bethany Farm and Nursery
Free, fun, and safe Trick-or-Treating at Bethany Farm and Nursery this Sunday, October 27th! We hope you can join us from 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM for a safe, fun, family-friendly fall day of trick-or-treating at the farm! We’ll have our staff trunks decorated, and our equipment lined up and stocked with candy for your kiddos to enjoy!
Other fun details about the day:
🎃 All are welcome to dress up and join us for the day.
🎃 We’ll be awarding one family, one child, and one pet with “best costume” awards in the form of gift certificates to @bethanyfarmandnursery!
🎃 We’ll have our huge fire pit going with a bonfire to keep you warm and cozy!
🎃 We will have a popcorn station, cotton candy station, and an apple cider station set up!
🎃 We will have a sugar pumpkin painting station set up for your child(ren)!
🎃 We will have a fall-themed photo station set up to take selfies and family pictures!
🎃 We will be continuing our 40% off sale of all plant material!
We can’t wait to see everyone. If you are bringing pets, please be sure they are leashed and with an adult at all times.
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